Il sieroinnesto naturale, coltura microbica complessa


Ecco la bibliografia dell’articolo “Il sieroinnesto naturale, coltura microbica complessa” di Erasmo Neviani, Il latte, 2, 2025


  1. Berg G., Rybakova D., Fischer D., Cernava T., Vergès M.C., Charles T., Chen X., Cocolin L., Eversole K., Corral G.H., Kazou M., Kinkel L., Lange L., Lima N., Loy A., Macklin J.A., Maguin E., Mauchline T., McClure R., Mitter B., Ryan M., Sarand I., Smidt H., Schelkle B., Roume H., Kiran G.S., Selvin J., Souza R.S.C., van Overbeek L., Singh B.K., Wagner M., Walsh A., Sessitsch A., Schloter M.; Microbiome definition re-visited: old concepts and new challenges. Microbiome, 8, 103. (2020).
  2. Bleuven C., Landry, C.R.; Molecular and cellular bases of adaptation to a changing environment in microorganisms. Proc. R. Soc. B, 28320161458. (2016).
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  10. Mossel D.A., Struijk C.B.; The contribution of microbial ecology to management and monitoring of the safety, quality and acceptability (SQA) of foods. Soc Appl Bacteriol Symp Ser., 21:1S-22S. (1992)
  11. Gobbetti M., Neviani E., Calasso M., De Angelis M., Fox. F.P., Di Cagno R.; Drivers that establish and assembly the lactic acid bacteria biota in cheeses, Trends in Food Science & Technology, 78, 244–254. (2018).
  12. Gatti M., Bottari B., Lazzi C., Neviani E., Mucchetti G. Invited Review: Microbial evolution in raw milk, long-ripened cheeses produced using undefined natural whey starters. Journal Dairy Science, 97(2), 573-591. (2014).
  13. Jeanson S., Floury J., Gagnaire V., Lortal S., Thierry A.; Bacterial Colonies in Solid Mediaand Foods: A Review on Their Growth and Interactions with the Micro-Environment. Frontiers Microbiol., 6, 1284. (2015).
  14. Skandamis P.N., Jeanson S.; Colonial vs planktonic type of growth: mathematical modeling of microbial dynamics on surfaces and in liquid, semiliquid and solid foods. Front. Microbiol., 6, 1178. (2015).
  15. Skandamis P.N., Nychas G.J.; Quorum sensing in the context of food microbiology. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 78, 5473–5482. (2012).
  16. Sgarbi E., Bottari B., Gatti M., Neviani E. Investigation of the ability of dairy nonstarter lactic acid bacteria to grow using cell lysates of other lactic acid bacteria as the exclusive source of nutrients. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 67, 342-347. (2014).
  17. Calabrese F.M., Ameur H., Nikoloudaki O., Celano G., Vacca M., JFLemos Junior W., Manzari C., Vertè F., Di Cagno R., Pesole G., De Angelis M., Gobbetti M.; Metabolic framework of spontaneous and synthetic sourdough metacommunities to reveal microbial players responsible for resilience and performance.  Microbiome, 10:148. (2022)
  18. Giraffa G., Mucchetti G., Neviani E.: Interactions among thermophilic lactobacilli during growth in cheese whey. J.Appl. Bacteriol, 80, 199. (1996).
  19. Mucchetti G., Neviani E.; Tecnologia casearia dall’empirismo all’industria. CEA Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. (2022) 
  20. Mucchetti G., Neviani E.; Microbiologia e tecnologia lattiero-casearia, qualità e sicurezza. Ed. Tecniche Nuove (Milano). (2006).
  21. Gobbetti M., Neviani E., Fox P. The Cheeses of Italy: Science and Technology. Springer International Publishing; 2018.
  22. Mucchetti G., Addeo F., Neviani E.; Evoluzione storica della produzione di formaggi a Denominazione di Origine Protetta (DOP). I. Pratiche di produzione, utilizzo e composizione dei sieroinnesti nella caseificazione a formaggi Grana Padano e Parmigiano Reggiano: considerazioni sulle relazioni tra sieroinnesto e DOP. Scienza e Tecnica lattiero-casearia, 49 (5), 281. (1998).
  23. Neviani E., Levante A., Gatti M; The Microbial Community of Natural Whey Starter: Why Is It a Driver for the Production of the Most Famous Italian Long-Ripened Cheeses? Fermentation, 10 (4), 186-200. (2024).
  24. Bertani G., Levante A., Lazzi C., Bottari B., Gatti M., Neviani E. Dynamics of a natural bacterial community under technological and environmental pressures: The case of natural whey starter for Parmigiano Reggiano cheese- Food Res Int.,129. (2020).
  25. Neviani E., Carini S.; Microbiology of Parmesan cheese. M.A.N., 12, 1-8 (1994) – Riportato in “Atti Convegno IFTEC (International Food Technology Exposition and Conference) – The Hague, The Netherlands 15-18 november 1992”.
  26. Bottari B., Santarelli M., Neviani E., Gatti M. Natural whey starter for Parmigiano Reggiano: Culture-independent approach. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 108 (5), 1676-1684. (2010).
  27. Bottari B., Ercolini D., Gatti M., Neviani E.; Application of FISH technology for microbiological analysis: Current state and prospects. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 73:485–494. (2006).
  28. Gatti M., Bernini V., Lazzi C., Neviani E. Fluorescence microscopy for studing the viability of micro-organisms in natural whey starters. Letters in Applied Microbiology., 42, 338-343. (2006).
  29. Nugroho A.D.W., Kleerebezem M., Bachmann H.; Growth, dormancy and lysis: the complex relation of starter culture physiology and cheese flavour formation. Current Opinion in Food Science, 39:22-30. (2021).
  30. Papadimitriou K., Pot B., Tsakalidou E.; How microbes adapt to a diversity of food niches. Current Opinion in Food Science, 2:29-35. (2015).
  31. Booth I.R; Stress and the single cell: Intrapopulation diversity is a mechanism to ensure survival upon exposure to stress. International Journal of Food Microbiology 78, 19-30. (2002).
  32. Maureen A. and O’Manley: Phylosopy of Microbiology. Cambridge University Press (2014).
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  34. Margulis L. and Fester R.; Symbiosis as a Source of Evolutionary Innovation: Special ion and Morphogenesis. Edited by LYNN MARGULIS and MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, and London. 1991.
  35. Neviani E.; From the Single Bacterial Cell to the Microbial Community: A Round Trip to better understand the Secrets of Complex Microbiological Ecosystems, IJCMBT Int J Clin Microbiol Biochem Technol. 2024; 7(1): 006-008